The Grand Theater
Physical Address
212 W. May Yoakum, Tx. 77995
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 202
Yoakum, Tx. 77995

Owner - Tammy Steinmann

Something NEW!!

GameRoom is OPEN!
It is more than a GameRoom!
Across the street from The Theater!!
We have a Salad Bar, Ice Cream Bar, Pizza, Wings, Games & so much more. You can pick up, just come and eat or stay eat and play games!! (more than just Arcade Games)
*We offer lunch only CLOSED on Monday!
Ticket booth opens 45 minutes before showtime.
Please call ticket booth for showtimes.
Please double check times below. If movie is longer we will adjust the times a little.
* Please call or check times below.
Please call to verify showtimes
Adults $7.00
Kids & Seniors $6.00
Balcony $16
Rated R Shows
Adults/Kids tickets $7.00
17+ ONLY unless with a parent/guardian
And you must sit with your child.
Cash & Card Accepted
MUST BE 18 to SIT in the BALCONY
Stairs are behind the concession stand. 19 steps to be exact. The balcony has 35 seats. You come in the single door to the left of the ticket booth. Yes because of health and food prep you have to come in and out the door every time. No crossing through concession stand. Sorry - we want to keep my zero demerit status.
Adults 18+ are only allowed to sit in the balcony.
Cost is $16 per ticket
Balcony tickets can be purchased online.
NO Alcohol allowed in the theater or the balcony.
Buy your first round of concessions & we will come when you push the call button at the call station by the stairs. We take Cash or Card when we come up. We don't want you to miss the movie.
Thurs. One of Them Days and
then Captain America
Now Showing
Remember NO food or drinks can be brought into the theater
One of Them Days & DogMan
Thursday 13th - 7pm
Captain America & held over Dog Man
Friday 14 - 7pm
Saturday 15th - 4pm & 7pm
Sunday 16th - 4pm &7pm
Mon. 17th - 1pm & 4pm
Tuesday - Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday 20th - 7pm
Coming Soon!!!
ADDITIONAL things we offer!!

We do birthday, business & school parties! Private Parties or during an already scheduled show party.
Email Tammy to get party info.

Main Street Theater - Houston
Every February around Valentines Day they come and put on a live play for schools. We do 3 days of 9am, 11am and 1pm!! We FILL UP every year!!
November 22, 2015, my husband and I bought The Grand building from Believers Christian Center. This has been something I have been trying to get my hands on for the last 15 years. The building needed a lot of work. Weaver and Jacobs Construction Company out of Cuero started construction in February and finished late August. We hired Cliff Anderson with Independent Theater Supply Company out of San Antonio to install all the Theater Equipment. These guys did an AMAZING job!!
We opened for business the 1st weekend in September 2016 and it has been everything that I thought it would be and more. I have the most AMAZING workers and they always strive to have the best customer service around.
We try to have a variety of shows. I've hired Cinema Service out of Dallas to help me book all my shows. I absolute love my Booker. We work well together and she does what is best for us.
With all this said, I could not and can not do this alone. It has taken lots of people to get us where we are today and I can not thank them enough.
If you have not been to The Grand, come and visit us. We would love to have you.
God Bless,
Tammy Steinmann
Concession Items & Prices
Gift Certificates Available

KETO Friendly Food
Pork Rind Nacho's
Cheese Dog (2) - No Bun
Keto Pizza
Coke Zero, Unsweet Tea & Hint Water